
Simona F. Justich

Legal counsel for business, startups and professionals focused on contracts, European calls for tenders, internet & privacy.

My goal is to find concrete – creative – strategic solutions

Macro areas

Corporate Law

  • Incorporation and management of companies, foundations, NGOs
  • Compliance: anti money laundering, privacy, ethics
  • Safety
  • Contracts
  • Trademarks and patents
  • NDA confidentiality agreements
  • Procurements

IT Law

  • software/hardware licences
  • online ads
  • contracts
  • copyright
  • privacy

EU Law

  • Technical-specific legislation
  • Eurodesign: drafting and management of fundable projects
  • Procurement

Special focus


  • Procurement
  • IT
  • Real estate
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Banking & Financial
  • Insurance
  • Sale/supply of goods and services

Real Estate

  • Sale
  • Lease
  • Loan
  • Usufruct
  • Bare ownership

Alternative Dispute Resolution



Personnel Training

  • Funded training
  • Paid training

Why Clients Choose Us?

We provide legal advice to professionals and companies in every aspect of the establishment and business management, about the access to European funds through euro-planning and privacy compliance. We offer tailor-made solutions that maximize results and avoid unnecessary waste of time and money, through a concrete and bureaucracy-free approach.

We believe in the power, speed and effectiveness of a well-made contract and alternative dispute resolution methods, especially in the business environment. We are always very clear and direct, even brutal, but we always put our customers’ business first.


International Lawyer, Mediator, Trainer and Eurodesigner, Member of The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)

She graduated in Law at the University of Genoa with a thesis on aeronautical law about the liberalization of air transport.

After obtaining the patronage, at the end of the legal practice at a Genoese civil law firm, she deals with the issues related to transport by obtaining a Master’s degree in logistics.

After an experience gained in the tax field, she concentrates her activity on contractual matters, she moves abroad specializing in the pharmaceutical and insurance sector.

In 2011 she obtained the qualification as ADR Mediator working at the Chamber of Conciliation of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce.

Since 2017 she is member of the  The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE).

She has always been involved in one-to-one and group training.

She is enabled for programming in the Microsoft .NET environment. 

She speaks Italian, English, Spanish, German and French.

Education & Bar Admission

BD, University of Genoa, Italy; 2002

Master in Logistics, 2006

Admitted to the Bar since  2012

Member of The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) since 2017

ADR Mediator since 2012


Call Now :

+44 203 60 86 440

  • MON - FRI 09:00-13:00 | 15:00-19:00


  • Via Inipreti 27/16, 16011 Arenzano, GE
  • Via Ponchielli 30, 21053 Castellanza, VA

Free Consulation

Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem.

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